Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Make Room for The Kings of the Internet...In Mobile

Apple plans to release its new 3g iphone in June. I'm sure so many people are excited that their 500 dollar iphone is outdated, but what I'm more interested in is the anticipation of Google's android operating system. While many have been anticipated Google to release an actual phone - which could very well happen - what is for sure is that they have developed an operating system known as "Android".

The goal here is to create a world-class platform that becomes a benchmark in the mobile industry. Right now every phone manufacturer, from Sony to LG has different operating software. Because of this innovation is particularly slow. Another way to think of this is to look back and remember facebook when they opened up their platform to third party developers. Now there are thousands of application that users can choose from and innovation has increased drastically.

This all comes down to expansion. Google is looking to open up the mobile market and continue to expand search volume and advertising revenues. Can they do it? It seems quite possible. Many carriers seem to be receptive. The software would come standard on phones and would be "Free". I quoted free because there's always a price, and in this case it could be more mobile marketing campaigns, and not the ones I talked about in my "Could Mobile Marketing be Good" post.

What everyone wants to know, but doesn't, is whether Google will rival Apple in the mobile market. If they are able to transcend their PC application into a smooth mobile package, I will be the first one to tote around my cool new Android Phone. More information about the Google Phone is listed Below:

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